Word of the Week
Word of the Week Programme
At Bredon Hill Academy we are passionate logophiles. We are constantly striving to build our vocabulary-rich community and as part of this we are pleased to introduce you to our ‘Word of the Week’ programme. This is a programme run by the Academy where we challenge pupils to develop and extend their vocabulary through learning and using a specific word each week.
‘Word of the Week’ invites pupils to actively learn a selected word each Monday or Friday morning. Students will be expected to learn to read the word correctly, spell it and understand its meaning. Research has shown that the breadth of vocabulary increases comprehension and facilitates further learning for all pupils.
Each week the most recent addition to ‘Word of the Week’ will appear at the top of the list shown below. Pupils who use the word (in spoken or written learning) through the week will be rewarded with a word of the week house point by the relevant staff. There will be a reward for the pupil in each year group with the most WOW house points on a termly basis.